Tuesday, October 11, 2011

" blessed be the Lord who daily bears us up. God is our salvation. our God is a God of salvation."
  ps 68:19-20

the past few nights and days have been a little extra rough. abbey has come down with a cold and cough which isn't anything serious but is always enough to keep her up most of the night until she starts to feel a little better. sunday night she woke up a couple of hours after going to sleep and threw up her dinner and then proceeded to wake up every hour and half for the rest of the night. last night she was only up for about an hour around 3am but the two nights combined have proven to be a little much for my 8.5 mth pregnant self. i'm doing good to get any decent sleep at all this point, sick child aside, so the combination of the two isn't fun.

my day started at 6:30am with a cranky, tired and sick (almost) 2 year old. i quickly found myself exhausted and frustrated and fighting feelings of anger towards my poor sick girl. i had a moment on the couch around 7am where i quickly begged God to please give me the patience and ability to love my child more than myself today. i have no ability to love her, or anyone, selflessly on my own but thankfully my ability to love does not come from my flesh but from Him who has loved greater than any other.

this afternoon i reading through psalms and came to the scripture above. i am so thankful that He daily bears us up.

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