Sunday, April 17, 2011

on being lame...

if ever there was a day when i felt completely lame it was today. i will blame it on the pregnancy sickness though.

i woke up feeling not so hot but that's pretty typical these days so we went ahead and went to the class we've doing at church. today was the last class and there was a bbq afterwards that we were planning to go to.  bizarrely enough i had been looking forward to a hot dog all week. anyway, we got through all of about 15 mins of actual class time before i started to feel absolutely miserable so we snuck out, grabbed our kid and headed home. once home i changed back into to pajamas and proceeded to waste the day away sleeping. i have done nothing productive all day outside of making abbey a grilled cheese sandwich for dinner. now gregg and abbey are headed to the actual church service and i am here, in my pajamas, blogging about my lame laziness.

the truth is i am actually feeling sick much more often with this pregnancy than with the last and, while i'm thankful it's not worse, i am ready for week 16 to get here. that was the magic week that i started to feel as normal as one can feel while pregnant last time around. here's to hoping the next 8 weeks fly by.

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