Sunday, August 15, 2010

cutest pjs ever.
one would never guess she had taken a 1 min break from crying for 2 straight hours to snap these pj pictures

listening so intently to gregg
standing up on her duck

so the duck. gregg and i spotted that rocking duck (it also quacks) in world market our 1st christmas as married people. we were in no way planning to have children at that point. in fact, at that point in our relationship we had every intention of waiting until we were 30 to start having kids. ha. anyway, we saw it and thought it was awesome but it was $50 and we had no kids so it seemed pointless. a few weeks after christmas gregg was there returning something he didn't have the receipt for so he could only get store credit. as he's wandering around he sees that the duck is still there and is 50% off. he sent me a msg asking if he should buy it and i said "yes! please!". so now abbey has a cute rocking, quacking wooden base duck to fall and hit her head  play on all day long.

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