Wednesday, June 30, 2010

what to do?

i have no idea what to do with my time.

since the spring semester ended i have been at home full time with abbey. maybe when (if) we have additional children or when abbey is older, i won't find my days filled with so much (gasp!) boredom. it's true-people with babies really DO still get bored. but, for right now-what to do!?? there is really only so much singing, reading and block stacking one can do in a day. she is also a much better nap now and takes about 3, 1.5 hr naps a day-so after i get a work out in, make lunch and clean up a bit-i am left sitting wondering "what now?"

i'm hoping to find an organization to volunteer at on a regular basis when we move and i'm also hoping to find a moms group of sorts because, dear God, i need social interaction!

you may be asking why am i not working. well, working part-time is just not an option once the cost of childcare comes into play. and honestly, as lame as it may sound and as bored as i am some days, i just can't really handle the idea of put abbey in childcare from 8am-5pm, 5 days a week IF staying home with her is an option. for now, staying home seems to be an option and, while it may not sound like it right now, i am really am so grateful for it.

i've just got to find a balance.


-s said...

Read! I'm telling you, I have been off of work for a month now, and it's been years since I have read a book. Until now. I find it is very rewarding, and doesn't feel like a waste of time. Reading and cooking are about all I do. Especially if the naps are 1.5 hours. It's the perfect amount of time.

gm said...

bored?! but EVERYONE said it's impossible to be bored once you have a child. this doesn't make sense. could some people be wrong?!

seriously though, i really hope you can get some fun stuff going in austin. i'm sure there's stuff you can do with abbey too, mom's hangout or something. we'll see. definitely don't want you to be bored and frustrated at home all day like most moms. i guess the key is community, if we can get that going.