Tuesday, October 7, 2008

blog stalker?

is it weirder to read the blogs of people you don't know at all or to read the blogs of people you know of but aren't completely sure they know of you? i have a ridiculously good memory; especially when it comes to remembering people and their names. so this, combined with my obsession with the lives of others, tends to lead me to be a compulsive random blog reader. i feel like that may be weird.

if there are any random blog readers out there reading my blog you should know it's okay to speak up-i won't find you weird because i can identify with you. however, i am fairly certainly i have no random blog readers and only kathy actually looks at this from time to time. thanks kathy.

wow-it's almost 11pm. when did that happen?


gm said...

i love you friend...but once again...check your spelling, ha. you completely missed a crucial word to the entire post in the first sentence.

-random blog stalker-

Kathy Ormont said...

ha, i too am a random blog stalker.