Friday, June 1, 2012

things i am loving right now

tucker getting SO close to being able to hold his own bottle. you have no idea how much this makes everyday life easier.

having a washer and dryer again. i can do laundry anytime i feel like and without carrying it up and down stairs. hooray!

abbey's hair in a little bitty ponytail. kill me with cuteness.

this coffee stuff. it's concentrated and on the mornings when i don't have to time to make and drink coffee-like every morning-i can just pour some into a cup, add milk and call it a day. awesome.

abbey's new morning habit. while i get ready for the day abbey sits on our bathroom counter and puts all my hair clips into that tiny red vase. she then dumps them out and starts again.

early morning park trips. a necessity during the summer time. also, the ergo carrier. i'm so glad tucker finally likes it. it is so easy to use and so much more comfortable than the bjorn at his size.

two kids napping at the SAME TIME. doesn't happen everyday but is happening more and more lately. i love it. it makes such a huge difference in my day when it does happen.

having a gym membership! oh my goodness it is awesome. i want to workout because it gives me some time to be alone and it gives abbey some time to play with other kids + new to her toys. it has been SUCH a blessing to us so far.

living in south austin again. i never really thought that living a certain side of town would make such a difference but it really did to us. south austin feels like home because it's where we have always lived and where the majority of our community is. i love how easy it is to have friends over for last minute play dates, running into people we know at the grocery store and the ease of meeting up with friends for dinner or coffee at the last minute.

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