Tuesday, September 23, 2008


i want to live somewhere cozy. it's been all i can think about for the past few weeks. this could because texas is anything BUT cozy and because i am beginning to hate this great state more and more everyday-mostly because of the weather it has to offer. it could just be a phase but i certainly would like to see some pretty orange and red leaves one day...

last monday was almost cozy. the temperature stayed close to 80 degrees, the sun was out but not blinding and there a was nice (almost) chilly breeze in the air for the entire day. i woke up and realized this sudden and unusual change and was instantly in a fantastic mood. cozy makes me happy, heck, almost cozy makes me happy. today it was once again in the 90s.

i did a google image search on the word "cozy" and and this is what i found:

this may be a little too cozy..

so i switched to "fall"..

that is much closer to what i'm trying to get to..
oh how i want to be sitting on that bench with my puppy and gregg -just watching people and sipping on coffee..perhaps eating a scone..hmm..


Kathy Ormont said...

I like the cozy fall picture. Perhaps Joe and I and lucy cand be sitting the other bench next to you and sip on lattes and watch lucy and macey play together. :o)

Kathy Ormont said...

I updated my blog, check it out before I blog again. I'm such a super fast blogger. ha!